Adding some more judges, here and there.
[and.git] / COCI / 2010-2011 / Contest #1 - 22.10.2010 / ples / ples.2.cpp
1 // Andrés Mejía
2 using namespace std;
3 #include <algorithm>
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <iterator>
6 #include <numeric>
7 #include <sstream>
8 #include <fstream>
9 #include <cassert>
10 #include <climits>
11 #include <cstdlib>
12 #include <cstring>
13 #include <string>
14 #include <cstdio>
15 #include <vector>
16 #include <cmath>
17 #include <queue>
18 #include <deque>
19 #include <stack>
20 #include <list>
21 #include <map>
22 #include <set>
24 #define foreach(x, v) for (typeof (v).begin() x=(v).begin(); x !=(v).end(); ++x)
25 #define For(i, a, b) for (int i=(a); i<(b); ++i)
26 #define D(x) cout << #x " is " << x << endl
28 const double EPS = 1e-9;
29 int cmp(double x, double y = 0, double tol = EPS) {
30 return (x <= y + tol) ? (x + tol < y) ? -1 : 0 : 1;
34 ACRush's Dinic algorithm for maximum flow
35 Complexity: O(E V^2)
37 Usage:
38 init(number of nodes, source, sink);
39 Create graph using add_edge(int u, int v, int c1, int c2):
40 This adds two directed edges: u -> v with capacity c1
41 and v -> u with capacity c2.
42 c2 by default is 0.
43 After creating the graph, nedge contains the number of
44 total edges.
45 dinic_flow();
46 This doesn't modify the capacity of the original graph,
47 so you can run the algorithm several times on the same
48 graph.
49 If you want to run the algorithm with different sources/sinks
50 assign the correct value to src and dest before calling
51 dinic_flow().
54 const int MAXN = 1005;
56 // namespace Flow {
57 // const int maxnode=MAXN * 4 + 2; const int
58 // maxedge=(2 * MAXN) * (2 * MAXN + 1) / 2; const int oo=1000000000;
59 //
60 // int node,src,dest,nedge; int
61 // head[maxnode],point[maxedge],next[maxedge],
62 // flow[maxedge],capa[maxedge];
63 // int dist[maxnode],Q[maxnode],work[maxnode];
64 //
65 // void init(int _node,int _src,int _dest) { node=_node;
66 // src=_src; dest=_dest; for (int i=0;i<node;i++) head[i]=-1;
67 // nedge=0; } void add_edge(int u,int v,int c1,int c2 = 0) {
68 // point[nedge]=v,capa[nedge]=c1,flow[nedge]=0,
69 // next[nedge]=head[u],head[u]=(nedge++);
70 // point[nedge]=u,capa[nedge]=c2,flow[nedge]=0,
71 // next[nedge]=head[v],head[v]=(nedge++);
72 // } bool dinic_bfs() { memset(dist,255,sizeof(dist));
73 // dist[src]=0; int sizeQ=0; Q[sizeQ++]=src; for (int
74 // cl=0;cl<sizeQ;cl++) for (int k=Q[cl],i=head[k];i>=0;i=next[i])
75 // if (flow[i]<capa[i] && dist[point[i]]<0) {
76 // dist[point[i]]=dist[k]+1; Q[sizeQ++]=point[i]; } return
77 // dist[dest]>=0; } int dinic_dfs(int x,int exp) { if (x==dest)
78 // return exp; for (int &i=work[x];i>=0;i=next[i]) { int
79 // v=point[i],tmp; if (flow[i]<capa[i] && dist[v]==dist[x]+1 &&
80 // (tmp=dinic_dfs(v,min(exp,capa[i]-flow[i])))>0) { flow[i]+=tmp;
81 // flow[i^1]-=tmp; return tmp; } } return 0; } int dinic_flow() {
82 // for (int i=0; i<nedge; ++i) flow[i] = 0; int result=0; while
83 // (dinic_bfs()) { for (int i=0;i<node;i++) work[i]=head[i];
84 // while (1) { int delta=dinic_dfs(src,oo); if (delta==0) break;
85 // result+=delta; } } return result; }
86 // }
88 /////////////// Maximum flow for sparse graphs ///////////////
89 /////////////// Complexity: O(V * E^2) ///////////////
92 Usage:
93 initialize_max_flow();
94 Create graph using add_edge(u, v, c);
95 max_flow(source, sink);
97 WARNING: The algorithm writes on the cap array. The capacity
98 is not the same after having run the algorithm. If you need
99 to run the algorithm several times on the same graph, backup
100 the cap array.
103 namespace Flow {
104 const int MAXE = 50000; //Maximum number of edges
105 const int oo = INT_MAX / 4;
106 int cap[MAXE];
107 int first[MAXE];
108 int next[MAXE];
109 int adj[MAXE];
110 int current_edge;
113 Builds a directed edge (u, v) with capacity c.
114 Note that actually two edges are added, the edge
115 and its complementary edge for the backflow.
117 int add_edge(int u, int v, int c){
118 adj[current_edge] = v;
119 cap[current_edge] = c;
120 next[current_edge] = first[u];
121 first[u] = current_edge++;
123 adj[current_edge] = u;
124 cap[current_edge] = 0;
125 next[current_edge] = first[v];
126 first[v] = current_edge++;
129 void initialize_max_flow(){
130 current_edge = 0;
131 memset(next, -1, sizeof next);
132 memset(first, -1, sizeof first);
135 int q[MAXE];
136 int incr[MAXE];
137 int arrived_by[MAXE];
138 //arrived_by[i] = The last edge used to reach node i
139 int find_augmenting_path(int src, int snk){
141 Make a BFS to find an augmenting path from the source to
142 the sink. Then pump flow through this path, and return
143 the amount that was pumped.
145 memset(arrived_by, -1, sizeof arrived_by);
146 int h = 0, t = 0;
147 q[t++] = src;
148 arrived_by[src] = -2;
149 incr[src] = oo;
150 while (h < t && arrived_by[snk] == -1){ //BFS
151 int u = q[h++];
152 for (int e = first[u]; e != -1; e = next[e]){
153 int v = adj[e];
154 if (arrived_by[v] == -1 && cap[e] > 0){
155 arrived_by[v] = e;
156 incr[v] = min(incr[u], cap[e]);
157 q[t++] = v;
162 if (arrived_by[snk] == -1) return 0;
164 int cur = snk;
165 int neck = incr[snk];
166 while (cur != src){
167 //Remove capacity from the edge used to reach node "cur"
168 //Add capacity to the backedge
169 cap[arrived_by[cur]] -= neck;
170 cap[arrived_by[cur] ^ 1] += neck;
171 //move backwards in the path
172 cur = adj[arrived_by[cur] ^ 1];
174 return neck;
177 int max_flow(int src, int snk){
178 int ans = 0, neck;
179 while ((neck = find_augmenting_path(src, snk)) != 0){
180 ans += neck;
182 return ans;
186 const int src = MAXN * 4, sink = src + 1;
188 int face(int number, bool isBoy) {
189 int ans = isBoy ? 0 : 2 * MAXN;
190 if (number < 0) ans += -number;
191 else ans += number + MAXN;
192 ans -= 1500;
193 //printf("number = %d, isBoy = %d, ans = %d\n", number, isBoy, ans);
194 assert(ans < 4 * MAXN);
195 return ans;
198 int cnt[4 * MAXN];
200 int main(){
201 int n;
202 scanf("%d", &n);
203 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
204 int x; scanf("%d", &x);
205 assert(1500 <= abs(x) and abs(x) <= 2500);
206 int k = face(x, true);
207 cnt[k]++;
208 //printf("cnt[boy = %d] = %d\n", x, cnt[k]);
210 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
211 int x; scanf("%d", &x);
212 assert(1500 <= abs(x) and abs(x) <= 2500);
213 int k = face(x, false);
214 cnt[k]++;
215 //printf("cnt[girl = %d] = %d\n", x, cnt[k]);
218 //Flow::init(Flow::maxnode, src, sink);
219 Flow::initialize_max_flow();
221 for (int boy = -2500; boy <= -1500; ++boy) {
222 if (cnt[face(boy, true)] == 0) continue;
223 for (int girl = 1500; girl < -boy; ++girl) {
224 if (cnt[face(girl, false)] == 0) continue;
225 Flow::add_edge(face(boy, true), face(girl, false), Flow::oo);
226 //printf("Added edge from boy = %d to girl = %d\n", boy, girl);
230 for (int boy = 1500; boy <= 2500; ++boy) {
231 if (cnt[face(boy, true)] == 0) continue;
232 for (int girl = -boy-1; girl >= -2500; --girl) {
233 if (cnt[face(girl, false)] == 0) continue;
234 Flow::add_edge(face(boy, true), face(girl, false), Flow::oo);
235 //printf("Added edge from boy = %d to girl = %d\n", boy, girl);
239 for (int k = 1500; k <= 2500; ++k) {
240 if (cnt[face(k, true)] > 0) {
241 Flow::add_edge(src, face(k, true), cnt[face(k, true)]);
243 if (cnt[face(-k, true)] > 0) {
244 Flow::add_edge(src, face(-k, true), cnt[face(-k, true)]);
247 if (cnt[face(k, false)] > 0) {
248 Flow::add_edge(face(k, false), sink, cnt[face(k, false)]);
251 if (cnt[face(-k, false)] > 0) {
252 Flow::add_edge(face(-k, false), sink, cnt[face(-k, false)]);
256 //int ans = Flow::dinic_flow();
257 int ans = Flow::max_flow(src, sink);
258 cout << ans << endl;
259 return 0;